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Vi skal forbedre nettsidene våre om veiprosjekter og trenger folk som kan teste en prototype av hvordan det kan bli.

Meld interesse for å være testperson her.

We have started the construction of what will be Norway’s second longest suspension bridge, the Hålogaland Bridge.

Road users must expect disruptions and some delays along the E6 and the E6/E10 in the period ahead.

In addition to the Hålogaland Bridge, we are constructing a total of 4.9 kilometres of new road, two smaller tunnels and a 1.1-kilometre long avalanche protection tunnel in Trældal, north of Narvik.

The project comprises:

  • The Hålogaland Bridge, 1533 metres
  • Construction of 1.4 kilometres of road on the Narvik side
  • The Ornes tunnel, 270 metres, on the Narvik side
  • Construction of 3.5 kilometres of road at Øyjord
  • The Storlikoll tunnel, 330 metres, at Øyjord
  • The Trældal tunnel, 1.1 kilometres

The Hålogaland Bridge connects the entire region
By constructing the Hålogaland Bridge right across Rombaken, we shorten the E6 with as much as 18 kilometres, and the travel time to and from Narvik in the direction of Vesterålen/Lofoten and Tromsø will be reduced by 15-20 minutes.

Additionally, we will draw traffic away from the current stretch, which is prone to accidents and avalanches.

The construction of the new bridge and adjoining roads and tunnels will take four years. If all goes according to plan, the new road stretch will open for traffic in 2018.

The avalanche protection tunnel in Trældal will be completed sooner, and it will open for traffic in summer 2015.

The estimated cost of the project is NOK 2.89 billion (2012 exchange rate). The project will be financed by state funds and road toll payment. 70 per cent will be covered by state funds, the remaining 30 per cent by road toll payment.

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E6 Hålogalandsbrua