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The approved long-term transport plans for each of the countries, both nationally and regionally.
Meld. St. 14 (2023–2024) (
Long-term infrastructure planning (
National Transport System Plan for 2021–2032 (PDF)
Regional transportplan - Nordland fylkeskommune (
Regional transportplan - Troms fylkeskommune (
Regional transportplan - Finnmark fylkeskommune (
Norrbottens Länstransportplan 2022-2033 (PDF)
Västerbotten Länstransportplan 2022-2033 (PDF)
Västernorrlands Länstransportplan 2022-2033 (PDF)
Jämtlands Länstransportplan 2022-2033 (PDF)
Laplands transport strategy 2050 (PowerPoint)
National and regional transport plans