You can find the owner of a vehicle by logging in to Your Page or by sending us an SMS.

Find the owner of the vehicle Log in

When you log in to Your Page, you can find information about

  • Who owns the vehicle
  • The owner’s address
  • Odometer readings for the vehicle
  • When the vehicle was last tested and approved for roadworthiness
  • The deadline for the vehicle’s next mandatory roadworthiness test
  • Registration data
  • The vehicle’s dimensions and weights
  • The vehicle’s tyres, rims and engine

We log all searches. Search history will be stored for one year and then deleted.

If you want to know what kind of vehicle a person or company owns, you can check vehicles owned by others here. 

Find owner by SMS

You can also use SMS to find out who owns a vehicle.

 How to do it:

  1. Type REGNR in the message field
  2. Enter a space
  3. Enter the registration number or personalised plate number of the vehicle you want information about, e.g. AB12345
  4. Send the message to 2282
  5. Wait for the reply (in Norwegian)

It costs NOK 3 to use this service. In addition, your telephone operator may charge you for sending the SMS. Some operators may have blocked the use of such services and then you will not receive a reply from us.

We log all searches. The search history is stored for one year and is then deleted. We do not provide access to the search logs.