Norway, Sweden and Finland are now establishing a cross-border cooperation called Platform North.

Logo Platform North. Illustration: Trafikverket.

The background for the cooperation is common transport interests in Northern Norway, Northern Sweden and Northern Finland. The motivation behind the initiative is threefold:

  • industrial investments in the north
  • the green transition
  • increased focus on military mobility


  • Support the development and expansion of the transport system to facilitate business establishment and expansion, enhancing Europe's competitiveness and independence.
  • Support the development of climate neutrality in terms of infrastructure and transport.
  • Support stakeholders to achieve a shared overview, understanding, and information.
  • Create a platform where different actors can collectively address issues critical to meeting the increasing demand for transport and military mobility in Northern Europe, as part of the Nordic transport network.
  • Support key stakeholders to plan their activities early, both individually and collectively.
  • Strengthen collaboration between various stakeholders.


  • Ensure proper alignment of infrastructure with the needs of customers, transport companies, and the defense sector.
  • Reduce barriers to accessing capacity, thereby ensuring seamless operation of international transport connections across borders.
  • Address key areas such as funding opportunities, forecasts, and future projections.

Collaboration Areas

On May 15, 2024, transport authorities met in Luleå, where the three most prioritized areas were developed:

  • Joint transport plan for Northern Nordics
  • Financing (funding opportunities and coordinated applications)
  • Information platform


Organisation chart. Illustration: Trafikverket

Platform North Forum

Preporatory Committe

Platform North – Preparatory Committee 
Organisation Name
Swedish transport administration Helena Eriksson (chair)
Swedish transport administration Britt-Marie Majbäck (Vice chair)
Swedish transport administration Maria Öberg (Adm coord. Chair)
The Norwegian Public Roads Administration Ine Hilling
Bane Nor Anne Siri Haugen
Lapland Chamber of Commerce Hanna Baas
Regional council of Lapland Mikko Tervo
Council of Oulu Region Lauri Romppainen
Region Jämtland Härjedalen Berit Eriksson
North Sweden European Office Lotta Rönström
County Administration Board Västerbotten Mikael Bergström
Lapland ELY - center Jussi Huotari
Jernbanedirektoratet Geir Vangen
Norrbotten Chamber of Commerce Linda Nilsson

Administrative Coordination

Platform North – Administrative coordinators 
Organisation Name E-mail
Chair - Swedish transport administration Maria Öberg
SE – North Sweden European Office Lotta Rönström
NO – The Norwegian Public Roads Administration Trine Lise Hornaes
FI – Lapland ELY-center Jussi Huotari

Working groups

Financing (possibilities for funding and joint applications)

Joint transport plan (Northern Nordics) and projects

Information platform (cross border view on transport system demand)

The work was formally started in the spring of 2024. Platform North is a collaboration between the transport administrations in all three countries.

Platform North aims to optimise the exchange of information and strengthen the system perspective, in addition to being a collaborative platform for development work and coordination of planning strategies.

The purpose of the initiative is to create a regional cross-border cooperation forum. The most important stakeholders are infrastructure managers for all modes of transport, in collaboration with other stakeholders, for the desired development.