Two young researchers awarded the Tom A. Wyatt Award 2021
The prize for best scientific article in the field of research for bridge and wind dynamics is awarded to Bjørn Thomas Svendsen and Niccolò Barni.
The jury received 8 scientific articles, all of which held a high academic level, for the selection of the best scientific article. The jury has selected two winners:
Bjørn Thomas Svendsen and Niccolò Barni who are both PhD fellows at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU).
Excellent contribution within the field of wind research
-The candidates Svendsen and Barni who have won the award have both excelled with their scientific articles which have been published in renowned scientific journals, says Mathias Egeland Eidem from the Norwegian Public Roads Administration. Egeland Eidem summarizes the two articles:
Bjørn T. Svendsen et al. Improved finite element model updating of a full-scale steel bridge using sensitivity analysis, Structure and Infrastructure Engineering (tandfonline)
Svendsen's article deals with field measurements on a phased-out utility structure. Reuse and good utilization of material resources are relevant topics. In addition to the scientific perspective, one can see a climate and environmental perspective both in the use of the condemned bridge and in the theme of service life and service life extension of load-bearing structures. According to Egeland Eidem, this is the first article dealing with exclusively with bridal dynamics to win the award.
Niccolò Barni et al. Time-variant self-excited force model based on 2D rational function approximation, J. Wind Eng. Aerod. (sciencedirect)
In Barni's article, we are back in the field of research for wind dynamics and its impact on bridges. This article deals with the impact large-scale atmospheric turbulence can have on a flexible bridge structure such as a suspension bridge, and the methods are supported with results from wind tunnel experiments. Egeland Eidem points out that the originality of the article is one of the reasons why Barni has been selected as the winner of the award.
Honorable mention
In addition to the two winners, Egeland Eidem, on behalf of the jury, would like to express a special thanks to Aksel Fenerci (NTNU), who is also a previous winner of the award, for his contribution with yet another high-quality scientific article:
Data Set from Long-Term Wind and Acceleration Monitoring of the Hardanger Bridge (asclibrary)
Fenerci's article should be especially praised for offering a "treasure chest" of open access measurement data free made available to the academic community. There is a commendable generosity in his work, Egeland Eidem emphasizes.
Criteria for the award
- The article's relevance in wind technology and / or construction dynamics.
- Scientific level.
- The degree of innovation.
- Language and use of figures.
The jury consisted of:
- Mathias Egeland Eidem (Norwegian Public Roads Administration)
- Anders Rönnquist (NTNU)
The jury has been assisted by a professional committee consisting of the following experts:
- Bjørn Isaksen, Norwegian Public Roads Administration
- Ole Øiseth, NTNU
- Jasna B. Jakobsen, University of Stavanger
Svendsen and Barni will each be awarded NOK 35,000 intended to be used to visit relevant research environments abroad.
About Tom A. Wyatt Best Paper Award
In consultation with the Norwegian Public Roads Administration and NTNU, a grant has been established to support young researchers in wind research and bridal dynamics at NTNU and the University of Stavanger (UiS). The scholarship has been named "The Thomas A. Wyatt Best Paper Award", and the prize of NOK 35,000 is awarded annually for up to two scientific articles of very high quality in Tom A. Wyatt's field.