There are also rules for how long and wide vehicles may be. The road lists give a complete overview of what limitations apply on which roads.

Three different road lists are published:

  • Road list for national roads (pink list, vegliste normaltransport riksveger) – applies to ordinary coach/bus and goods transport and the use of timber-hauling vehicles (tømmertransport) and modular vehicle combinations (modulvogntog).
  • Road list for exempted transport (grey list, vegliste spesialtransport) – concerns exemptions from the rules relating to length, width, height and weight.
  • Road lists for county and municipal roads (blue list, veglister for fylkes- og kommunale veger) – applies to both regular and exempted transport. A separate list is issued for each county.

The road lists are part of the Regulations relating to the use of motor vehicles, but are issued as separate regulations that are updated and published twice a year.

The road lists are only in Norwegian, bur most of the lists gives the names of the Places on the actual road where the specific set of limitations ar valid.