Tachographs and driver cards
All buses and lorries used in Norway for transport to which drivers’ hours regulations apply must be equipped with a digital tachograph.
Apply for a driver card
In order to be issued with a driver card, you need to have a valid driving licence and a Norwegian national ID number.
Digital tachographs
All vehicles registered after 9 December 2006 must have a digital tachograph installed.
Lost, stolen or defective driver card
When your driver card is malfunctioning, lost, or stolen, you must submit a loss report and apply for a replacement card.
Apply for a company card
To download and lock tachograph data, your company needs a company card. You can order the company card in two different ways.
Apply for a workshop card
Workshop cards are for mechanics who will be performing work on digital and smart tachographs in an approved tachograph workshop.
Tachograph inspections
It is the Norwegian Public Roads Administration and the police that inspect driving time and rest periods in Norway.
Exchange of foreign driver cards
Applies to renewal and replacement of foreign driver cards to be exchanged for Norwegian driver cards.