Forskerpresentasjoner 2018
Forskerne som er er tilknyttet Ferjefri E39-prosjektet presenterer sine prosjekter i live webinar med jevne mellomrom.
Opptak av tidligere webinar 2018
14.12 Tore Helgedagsrud
Wind loads on bridge decks using CFD and FSI methods (YouTube)
06.12 Tale Egeberg
Aasland Current and wave induced flow around a submerged floating tube bridge (YouTube)
30.11 Jungao Wang
The aerodynamics of a nobel stay cable cross-sectional shape (YouTube)
26.10 Tor Martin Lystad
19.okt Renny Arismendi
Risk based maintenance optimisation and structural reliability (YouTube)
12.10 Finn Idar Giske
05.10 Michael Styrk Andersen
Aeroelasticity and the Non-Flutter Design Principle for Long Span Bridges (YouTube)
28.09 Henrik Skyvulstad
Wind tunnel testing and nonlinear load models (YouTube)
20.09 Joar Tistel
Bridge foundations on large water depths (YouTube)
14.09 Øyvind Wiig-Petersen
Force identification on long-span bridges using measured dynamic response (YouTube)
31.08 Arianna Minoretti
Submerged Floating Tube Bridge - The invisible bridge (tunnel) (YouTube)
15.06 Øyvind Lervik Nilsen
How do fixed links affect residential and firm location – some empirical evidence from Norway (YouTube)
08.06 Konstantinos Christakos
Wave measurements in Sulafjorden (YouTube)
01.06 Alexander Hellervik
Accessibility-induced patterns of urban activity (YouTube)
31.05 Yuwang Xu
Dynamic response of cable-supported bridges with floating towers (YouTube)
25.05 Stig Nyland Andersen
The impact of fixed link projects on population development (YouTube)
24.05 Mitja Papinutti
Dynamic analysis of floating suspension bridges, emphasis on wind-loading (YouTube)
04.05 Weizhi Wang
Improved wave-modelling for long and deep fjords (YouTube)
27.04 Bartosz Siedziako
20.04 Aksel Fenerci
13.04 Knut Andreas Kvåle
06.04 Janne Siren Fjærestad
Smart heating of bridge decks (awaiting submission)
23.03.18: Poja Shams Hakimi
Sustainable Design of light-weight bridge (YouTube)
09.03.18 Ashenafi Yifru
Effective Countermeasures for the debris & mud flow hazards along the E39 highway (awaiting submission)
02.03.18 Govindan Induchoodan
Graphene enhanced Asphalt (YouTube)
09.02.18 Sabina Karacic
Biofilm deterioration in sub-sea tunnels / The role of microbiological biofilm (YouTube)
08.02.18 Reignard Tan
02.02.18 Hrefna Run Vignisdottir
LCA and sustainability thinking in large infrastructure projects (YouTube)
26.01.18 Peter Nilsson
Laser welded sandwich steel elements (YouTube)
19.01.18 Babak Ebrahimi
Infrastructure performance viewer (YouTube)