This publication contains travel times in seconds between two measurement points. We update travel time for all road sections every five minutes.

The publication contains travel times for

  • the main road network around Oslo, Bergen, Stavanger, Kristiansand and Trondheim
  • the E18 from Oslo to Aust-Agder
  • the E6 from Ås to Kolomoen
  • the E8 from Skibotn to the Finnish border


The travel time publication contains two publications, one for measurement data and one for the geographical location of measurement points. You must register to use the links.


The publication contains travel times for all of Norway. Recipients must filter by town/location themselves. The publication contains measured travel times in seconds, and we update them every five minutes. Delays are calculated based on manually determined normal travel times for each distance.

Version 3.1:

Geographical location

The publication contains geometry, name and identifier of the distances for which we measure travel time. We update the publication when changes are made to the location of measuring stations or distances.

Version 3.1:

Description of the dataset

The information we use to generate travel times is collected using antennas along the road. The antennas register passing vehicles with AutoPASS tags.

Calculating travel times

Travel times are generated as measuring stations register an anonymous data element in the AutoPASS tags. Tag data for two consecutive stations are then combined into one single journey. Travel time is calculated as the average of travel times for vehicles that have driven a given distance within an interval of five minutes.

The algorithm that calculates travel times takes several factors into account. For example, very short and very long travel times will be discarded. Delays are calculated against a manually measured normal travel time. Normal travel time is often based on speed limits, but local knowledge of traffic on a certain route may make us adjust the normal travel time.

We do not measure travel time in public transport lanes. We also do not distinguish between travel times for different types of vehicles, such as passenger cars and lorries.

Measuring routes

There are measurement points for travel times in Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim, Stavanger and Kristiansand. In addition, there are measuring stations along the E18 from Oslo to Agder, along the E6 from Ås to Kolomoen and on the E8 from Skibotn to the Finnish border.

It is the major commuter routes in and around the cities that are covered by registration points, since it is on these routes that delays are most frequent.

Delay trends displayed

Delay data are provided along with a flag that shows the delay trend, that is, whether delays on a certain route are increasing, stable or decreasing. This is for use on information boards or map displays of traffic flow.

Give us your feedback!

Feel free to email us feedback or suggestions for how to improve the travel times publication.
