Artikkelen er over ett år gammel, og innholdet kan være utdatert.

The award is a bursary for young researchers within the field of wind engineering and bridge dynamics.

Illustrasjonsfoto av Hålogalandsbrua
Wind engineering is a crucial scientific research field when planning bridges. Here illustrated by The Hålogaland Bridge (1 533 meters), north of Narvik in Northern Norway. Foto: Tomas Rolland, Statens vegvesen

The late Professor Thomas A. Wyatt and his family wanted to contribute to the work of young researchers within the areas of wind engineering and bridge dynamics at Norwegian universities.

Papers produced by PhD-candidates and post docs affiliated with the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) and the University of Stavanger (UiS) are hereby invited to apply for the award.

About Thomas A. Wyatt

Wyatt was a key figure in the creation of the Wind Engineering Society in the UK. From 2014 until he passed away in January 2018, he was an expert advisor for the fjord crossing group in The Coastal Highway Route E39-project.

Read about Wyatt’s scientific contribution Bridge aerodynamics - celebrating Tom Wyatt’s contributions | Institution of Civil Engineers (

About the award

Up to two candidates may be awarded for their paper each year. The amount of the award is 35.000 NOK. The award is meant to help the winner to visit relevant international well-known research groups, and /or to participate in international conferences.

The criteria are:

  • Relevance to the area of ​​wind engineering and / or bridge dynamics.
  • Must have been published in a recognized international journal within the scientific field.

How to apply

The first author of a candidate paper will be considered as an applicant and she/he must apply for the award by herself/himself. Neither nomination nor recommendation is required.

The applicant is asked to submit the following application materials:

  • CV (one page)
  • One paper to be considered for the award with the evidence of its publication during the period from August 1st of the last year to July 31st of the current year.
  • If the paper has co-authors, a statement about the applicant’s and the co-authors’ contributions to the paper with name/e-mail address/phone number of a reference person who is familiar with the applicant’s research.

The application for the award can be sent (either in English or Norwegian) to the following e-mail address:

Any questions can be directed to one of the administrators of the award:

  • Mathias Egeland Eidem (The Norwegian Public Roads Administration):
  • Professor Anders Rønnquist (NTNU):

The applicant will receive a confirmation e-mail with a registration number for her/his paper.

The deadline for submission of the application is Wednesday December 7th.

Previous winners of the Tom A. Wyatt award

2021: Bjørn Thomas Svendsen (NTNU) and Niccolò Barni (NTNU)

2020: Tor Martin Lystad (NTNU/Norconsult)

2019: Etienne Cheynet (UiS) and Axel Fenerci (NTNU)

Aktuelt for fylke(r): Trøndelag, Rogaland