VegDim is a R&D program with the goal of developing and implementing an analytical pavement design and analysis system.

EraPave PP (Elastic Response Analysis of Pavements - Performance Prediction), currently being developed by VTI in collaboration with Trafikverket and Statens vegvesen. It will be adapted to the Norwegian climatic conditions, traffic loads and materials, and this will make it easier to take into account both life cycle costs and the environmental impact during the design, building and maintenance of pavement constructions.

The adoption of ERAPave PP will give us greater flexibility in the choice of both materials and layer thickness compared to today’s practice, which is based on empirical methods (N200 Vegbygging). The transition to an analytical design system will allow to consider the local conditions (available materials, traffic loads, climate) and provide a better understanding of the pavement deterioration.

The new system will be integrated into the N200 Vegbygging, and will contribute to:

  • Better planning and management of the road network
  • Lower environmental impact in terms of energy and GHG reduction during construction and maintenance.
  • Right quality and service life.
  • Document consequences of different choices/standards/quality
  • Increase expertise in road technology and analytical pavement design in Norway.


Project leader , Norwegian Public Roads Administration